Our Package Includes

WordPress Core Updates

WordPress Plugin Updates

Malware Scanning and Removal

Daily Website Back-up

Website Up-time Monitoring

Security Scanning and Hardening

Website Performance Audits

Monthly Reporting

Your WordPress site is vulnerable to attack.

75% of WordPress Websites
are vulnerable!






5 Star Customer Rating

UK Based Team

WordPress Experts

Exceptional Support

Web Security Specialists

Why your need BoostWP!

BoostWP has allowed me to concentrate on my business rather than worrying about keeping my site up to date and safe! Support is brilliant and based in the UK which makes it much easier if I need any help.

Great service, I highly recommend!

BoostWP provides a cost-effective, robust solution to ensure my website is always up to date and secure from any threats. This means, I not only have peace of mind, but because this is a seamless process, we can spend time completing projects that move the business forward.

BoostWP keeps my website up to date and secure, it’s the techy stuff that I don’t like doing but can be vital for an online business. BoostWP has been a valued partner for many years and I trust them to take care of my website.

I leave the technical stuff to BoostWP so I can get on with my business. I like the peace of mind from knowing that my site is monitored and kept up to date, and should the worst happen in that I get hacked or suffer malware, there’s nothing extra for me to pay out to fix it.

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